Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Week 3 √

Last weekend I went to the Volcano in Masaya. I was definitely reminded how lucky I am to be in a country with such nature, as we had a whole day of training at this volcanic park. Which is active, but luckily not that day!

I’ve officially been in Nica more than 3 weeks now. And boy am I looking forward to this weekend. I believe this week I had one of those moment where you feel stuck at the bottom a huge hill and didn’t know how I was gunna make it to the top. I had my first co planning and co teaching in a Nicaraguan public school for an 11th grade class. We had our youth group meeting, 2 technical training days, another co planning session with another peace corps training, of which I won “piedra, papel, tijeras”, and got to be the lucky first one in my group to plan a presentation. Along with having class from 8-3 Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday. AND DOING IT ALL IN SPANISH. Yeah definitely started out a little stressed.
            Monday I met with my counterpart, and we planned our first class on generating ideas. The next day I help co teach, which I believe went fairly well considering I had about 30 11th graders telling me their “lluvia de ideas” for a new creative product in their entrepreneurial class. 99% of which I could not understand, but thankfully my counterpart was super helpful and patient, as well as the students. I returned to start co planning for my Creativity charla that I would give Thursday. Wednesday was a long day of historical, economical, and technical training. That night I found out that I wouldn’t be giving my presentation, but instead sitting in on a teacher meeting at my new school to plan the next month’s curriculum. Now I'm realizing this sounds like a long rant… but I'm just trying to get used to this new thing called work, in the Peace Corps, in a foreign country.
            Essentially our way of learning here is sink our swim. And I’m glad I can already swim… or at least hold my breath for a while! Because now at the end of my weekend, I can look back and see all the things I accomplished and learned. And I still managed to enjoy my week and have a little bit of fun. I look forward to my weekend, but surprisingly I’m looking forward to starting again on Monday, as nuts as it does sound.
            I’m constituently learning and making mistakes here. But you just gotta go with it. There’s no point in getting upset when youth show up a half hour late, or not at all. Or when teachers want more from me than what I feel like I can give them. I’m glad that the people around are actively seeking out help and opportunities. And I hope that I can work hard enough that we can be a productive team together. And as for those 13 year old neighbors… ill just keep rounding them up with my gringa charm!
Here are my 2 nutjob coworkers (the americans), my cousin, sister of a coworker and a neighbor of mine. A night out by the Mirador

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